Public Power

Report an Outage
(435) 734-6624

After Hours
(435) 723-6868

Tom Cooper
Public Power Director
(435) 734-6623 office

Troy Dahlgren
(435) 226-1471 office

Casey Smith
(435) 734-6631 office

Lisa Scott
Resource Specialist
(435) 734-6625 office
send an email to Lisa

Valerie Held
Administrative Assistant
(435) 734-6624 office
send an email to Valerie

Welcome to Brigham City Public Power, where providing safe and reliable power for our customers is our greatest reward!

Brigham City Public Power first started in 1904 when Brigham City purchased a power generator and located it at the mouth of Box Elder Canyon. Today we service over 8,000 residents and businesses.

Brigham City Public Power provides service only within Brigham City limits. Our system consists of:

  • 100 miles of distribution and transmission lines

  • Two power plants

  • Eight substations within Brigham City area

Planning on Removing a Tree?

If you are planning on removing a tree in your yard near power lines, please call Brigham City Public Power at (435)734-6624. A site visit with the Power Department may be required to assess the scope of the work needed prior to any work taking place. If determined a service disconnect is needed, we require 48 hours’ notice that is to be scheduled with the Power Department prior to disconnect.

The Power Department will disconnect the secondary power lines for tree removal by customer or customer’s contractor and then reconnect when the job is complete (free of charge) during normal working hours. If the project cannot be done during business hours, arrangements will need to be made to supply a crew and calculate compensation for the crew and equipment.

The Power Department may install, maintain, and operate its equipment above- and below-ground within PUEs and prescriptive easements. This allowance includes the right of access and the right to require removal of any obstructions, including structures, trees, and vegetation. The Power Department may require the lot owner to remove obstructions within the PUE at the lot owner’s expense, or the Power Department may remove such obstructions at the lot owner’s expense. At no time may a permanent structure or obstruction be placed within the PUE without the prior written approval of the Power Department and all other utilities with facilities in the PUE.

Customers requesting this service must also contact any other utilities (phone, cable, fiber, etc.) that may be in harm’s way, and have them cleared. Brigham City will not disconnect other utility lines.

If any of the requester’s neighbors' service lines run through the tree being removed, it will be the responsibility of the requester to coordinate removal of those lines with the appropriate utility, and communicate and coordinate with those affected at the time and duration of the project.

Street Light Out?

Brigham City Public Power does not have an employee designated to go around and find street and parking lot lights that are out. We depend on the citizens of Brigham City to report them. Please call (435) 734-6624 so we can send our employees as soon as possible. Include the address of the pole, what side of the street it is on (N,S,E,W), what the problem is (burned out, flickering, etc.), and your name and phone number so we can call with any questions. If the light is not fixed within 2 weeks, please call us.

green and white logo acknowledging Brigham City as a Reliable Public Power Provider

blue ribbon award for reliable electric service

graphic comparison of average outage time in Brigham City to outage time at all U.S. electric utilities