Energy Conservation and Education

Brigham City Public Power takes its mission of safety prevention and energy conservation education seriously, which is why we offer short lessons and demonstrations to help promote awareness to both electrical safety and energy conservation to any interested organization or group.

In addition to safety presentations for groups at schools, scouting, church, and various civic organizations, Brigham City Public Power also participated with the Boys and Girls Club Night Out, sponsored by the Brigham City Police Department, where we gave ideas to assist citizens with energy conservation.

We have topics for all ages.  To schedule a presentation call:

Lisa Scott (435) 734-6625

a hand holding a light bulb with a small tree inside

Rebates available to Brigham City residents

A light bulb with the word "Energy" spelled out in the filament

Home Energy Savings

Clothes washers
Water heaters
Light fixtures
Portable evaporative coolers
Room air conditioners

Cool Cash Program

Evaporative cooling
Central air conditioning
Smart thermostat

See Ya Later Refrigerator

More Information

Electricity demand is about 25% higher during the summer months in Brigham City. To cover higher than normal demand, Brigham City, on occasion, must purchase extra power from expensive outside sources with twice the price tag of our base supply of electricity. Shifting usage from peak times to off-peak times (before 10 am & after 8 pm) is just one way to help us decrease these added electricity costs. Scroll down to see more information about energy conservation and efficiency. This keeps rates low for all of our customers!