white text on an orange and yellow background with a firefighters and several flames

Fire restrictions go into effect July 1 and will remain in effect until lifted by the Fire Chief sometime this fall. This means no open fires, no fireworks, no grinding or anything that could cause sparks in the restricted areas.

Restricted areas are identified as everything east of the following described line:

  • Beginning at the north Brigham City boundary located at 1500 North & Main Street

  • South on Main Street to 900 North

  • East on 900 North to Highland Boulevard

  • South on Highland Boulevard including all properties adjoining Highland Boulevard to Beecher Avenue

  • West on Beecher Avenue to Eliason Avenue and adjoining properties

  • South and west on Eliason Ave to Poplar Drive

  • North on Poplar Drive to 100 North

  • West on 100 North to 1000 East

  • South on 1000 East to Eliason Avenue

  • West on Eliason Avenue to 700 East

  • South on 700 East to Forest Street

  • West on Forest Street to 600 East

  • South on 600 East to 100 South

  • East/southeast on 100 South to 200 South

  • East on 200 South to 350 South

  • South/West on 350 South to 600 East

  • South on 600 East to 600 South

  • East, South/East on 600 South to 700 South

  • East on 700 South on an east/southeast diagonal, bordering Golf Couse boundaries to the east tip of the driving range

  • West on Highway 91 including properties adjoining Highway 91 to Michelle Drive

  • All properties adjoining Michelle Drive to the Perry City line

(This includes ALL Tannevista subdivision)
(This includes ALL of Kotter Canyon subdivision)

Other restricted areas include

  • ALL Brigham City Airport property

  • Areas west of I-15 between Forest Street and the Perry City line

  • All of Perry City east of Highway 89

  • All of Perry City west of 1200 West

Call the Fire Department at 435-723-3611 if you have questions. See https://5il.co/2c66o for a pdf map of the restricted areas in Brigham City. See https://5il.co/2pus3 for a map of restricted areas in Perry.