white text and two American flags with headstones and mountains in the background

The Cemetery office will be open on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27, from 9am to 1pm to assist the community in grave location only. Due to heavy office traffic on these days, Cemetery staff will not be able to assist in family genealogy. 

Cemetery regulations require that all flowers, real or artificial, must be placed in a container and attached to the monument. Flowers in movable containers must be placed on the headstone or base to ensure easy access for grass cutting. PLANTING OR DIGGING FLOWERS IN THE LAWN IS NOT PERMITTED. For safety reasons, glass containers, wires, irons, sticks or pegs driven in the ground are NOT permitted and will be immediately removed.

Cemetery cleanup following Memorial Day will begin on Monday, June 3, and continue through the week. Any decorations that are in containers that are wilted, damaged or unsightly will be removed. Shepherd hooks that may have been placed in the ground during the week of Memorial will also need to be removed prior to Monday, June 3. 

When the cleanup sweep is done, all decorations that are removed are taken to the county landfill for disposal. Those wishing to reclaim their decorations are encouraged to do so prior to the cleanup. BE ADVISED THAT INDIVIDUALS REMOVING DECORATIONS FROM PLOTS BELONGING TO OTHERS IS CONSIDERED THEFT OF PROPERTY AND IS PUNISHABLE UNDER LAW AS A CLASS B MISDEMEANOR. 

Questions may be referred to the Public Works Administrative Offices by dialing 435-734-6615.