white text over a drone photo of Brigham City looking east

Brigham City is beginning the process of updating its General Plan, and the public will have a variety of opportunities to participate over the next several months.

A general plan is a detailed document that outlines what a city wants to become and establishes a path to achieve it. The document guides future development, including placement of parks and open space, transportation corridors and traffic management, housing, commerce, and more. Brigham City’s current General Plan was created in 2017.

A survey for resident feedback is available at https://dtredevelopment.typeform.com/to/wwcfhXHI or by scanning the QR code below.

QR code

In a video posted on PlanBrighamCity.com, Mayor DJ Bott called the General Plan “integral” to the future of the city and said it will focus on the parts of Brigham City that are not yet developed or incorporated, and issued two challenges to residents. First, to become engaged in the process through the available workshops, surveys, and public meetings; and second, to “get out of your house and dream about what you would like for Brigham City,” including such factors as parks, agriculture, and industrial and commercial spaces.

Beyond the survey, the next opportunities for resident involvement will occur April 24 and 25 at two public meetings. The meeting on April 24 will focus on high-level values and visioning for the city. The meeting is an open house held in the Multipurpose Room, A104, of the USU Brigham City Campus at 989 S. Main Street. Residents are encouraged to attend anytime between 4:00 and 8:00 p.m.

The second event is specific to the Main Street America Approach and the future of Main Street in Brigham City. This event will be held Thursday, April 25, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Brigham Academy Conference Center at 58 N. Main. The meeting will begin with an introduction to the Main Street America program at 6:00 p.m., after which participants will learn more about how to get involved with Main Street and have an opportunity to provide input about the downtown area. More information about the Main Street program and meeting can be found at BrighamCityDowntown.com.

Attendees of both events can engage directly with the planning consultants, offer feedback on critical issues, and participate in interactive activities to gather diverse perspectives. Input gathered from this meeting will play a vital role in shaping vision and value statements, policies, land use decisions, and overall community-wide planning efforts that ensure Brigham City thrives as a vibrant, inclusive, and resilient community.