a photo of a flooding river next to a photo of filled sandbags

Runoff season is still a few weeks away, but it's never too early to prepare. Brigham City crews have worked hard since the last runoff season to increase the storage capacity of Mayor's Pond and other retention/detention basins, reduce obstructions in the creek and contributing waterways, and optimize our monitoring equipment and procedures. We've also run several tests to expand our knowledge of what our water system is capable of and how quickly we can respond to changing conditions.

Brigham City crews have done everything we can to prepare the city for runoff season. We feel confident that we are in an even better position than last year, and we want to encourage residents to prepare as well.

Box Elder Creek is not owned by Brigham City, and there is no easement or public access for most of it. This means the property owners along the creek are responsible for the maintenance of their portion. They are also responsible for the protection of their homes and other assets. We encourage residents to evaluate their property and take the necessary measures to protect it from flooding.

Part of that preparation may include placing sandbags. Brigham City Public Works has sandbags available for purchase at the compost site located at 820 N. Watery Lane. Bring your own shovel and fill as many bags as you want for $1 each. The compost site is open Tuesday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Beginning April 1, it will be open Saturdays as well.

Some property owners have expressed interest in building retaining walls or other structures to divert water. Because Box Elder Creek and its floodway are regulated both by FEMA and by City Code, there are various restrictions about what can be built and where. Contact Brigham City's Floodplain Administrator before beginning any project. Anthony Wilkinson, 435-734-6605 or awilkinson@bcutah.gov.

Even though we are confident that we are as prepared as possible, we cannot control Mother Nature. If we get a significant amount of rain in a short period, or if the temperature raises drastically and the snow melts quickly, flooding may well be inevitable. Please take the necessary steps to protect your home and property.

Weekly updates of snowpack water levels and city response are posted at https://www.bcutah.gov/o/brighamcity/page/spring-runoff.