Design Criteria and Code Analysis Requirements
For buildings and structures located within Brigham City limits
Base ground load: 43 PSF
The ground snow load must be calculated in accordance with Section 1608.2 of the Utah Amended Code (Item 43) with regional snow load factors compliant with Table 7.2-9 found in (7)(d) (↗).
Speed: 90 MPH with 120 MPH 3-second wind gust.
Typical Exposure: "C"
Ground Motions: For specific acceleration values see the USGS National Seismic Hazard Maps.
Seismic Design Category: Site specific (per IBC 1613.3.5.1 Table 1613.3.5 (1)). "D2" is typical.
Frost Depth: 30"
All commercial projects and new subdivisions require a site-specific soils report meeting the requirements of Section 1803 of the 2021 IBC. Additions to existing facilities of less than 3,000 square feet are exempted from this requirement. Soils report shall be no older than 2 years.
Site Class: Refer to Soils report. For projects not requiring a soils report, Site Class 'D2' can be assumed. (2021 IBC 1613.2.2)
Allowable Bearing Pressures:
Foundation pressure: 1,500 psf, per Table 1806.2.
Lateral pressure: 100 psf/f, per Table 1610.1.
The above listed values are maximum allowable values unless listed otherwise by a site-specific soils report.
Existing Buildings
All existing buildings that are required to undergo a mandatory seismic upgrade must meet the performance levels defined in Chapter 5 of the IEBC. Mandatory seismic upgrades may be required for projects which undergo a change in use or else a significant alteration or addition as defined by IBC Chapter 34 Section 3406.4.
Existing buildings which undergo a voluntary seismic upgrade are not required to meet the performance requirements outline in Chapter 5 of the IEBC. Voluntary projects are nonetheless required to conform to either the IBC or the other existing building codes and standards listed for use by the State of Utah (UTAH UNIFORM BUILDING STANDARDS ACT RULES R156-56-71(2)). A detailed engineering analysis must be provided to the building department for voluntary rehabilitation projects.
Table R301.2(1) Climactic and Geographic Design Criteria for Brigham City Utah

Brigham City Code Analysis Requirements
The Code Analysis Requirements below are available to download as a pdf at the top of this page.