Solicitor Licenses

Report an unlicensed solicitor

During business licensing hours
T, W, Th | 7am-2pm
Christina Boss: (435) 730-7132

Outside business hours
Dispatch: (435) 723-5227

Who is required to have a Solicitor's License?

City Code requires all door-to-door salespersons to have a Brigham City business license and solicitor merchant badge. Anyone selling, offering for sale, or taking orders for merchandise door-to-door within the Brigham City limits MUST have a solicitor's license. 

Excludes newspaper carriers, candidates for public office or persons conducting activities on behalf of religious organizations.

Licenses expire at the end of each calendar year and merchants must submit a new application.

How will I know if someone is licensed as a solicitor in Brigham City?

All licensed solicitors are required to wear a City-issued identification badge around their neck or in another visible location. The badge looks like this:


Current Solicitor's Licenses in Brigham City

Why does a solicitor's license matter?

Applicants for a solicitor's license must present identification to the City and undergo a background check before a license is issued. This is for the safety of our residents.

What should I do if a solicitor doesn't have a license?

If the solicitor cannot produce a Brigham City badge, please call Christina Boss at (435) 730-7132 during business hours with a description of the individual. After hours, contact Police dispatch at (435) 723-5227. An officer will respond and inform the solicitor of the City Code requirements.