To sign up for curbside recycling (12-month commitment):
Utilities Office
(435) 734-6639
To report a missed recycling pick-up:
(801) 627-2680
To get a replacement can:
Public Works Office
(435) 734-6615
Recycling Pick-up Schedule
Brigham City contracts with EconoWaste to provide residential curbside recycling pickup of paper, cardboard, plastic, and metal. Recycling is picked up every other week on your regular garbage collection day.
Cans should be left on the street by 6:00 a.m. on collection day, at least six feet away from objects and other containers. The handle should face your house. Pickup on highlighted dates will be delayed to the following business day due to holiday schedules.
What Goes in My Blue Can?
Put this in the can:
Clean paper, newspaper, catalogs, and phone books
Plastics #1
Plastics #2
Paper grocery bags
Cardboard boxes
Steel and aluminum cans
Do NOT put this in the can:
Plastic bags, wrap, or film
Waxy or glossy paper
Plastic-lined mail pouches
Food waste
Food-soiled products
Shredded paper
Medical waste or needles
Grass or other yard waste
Foam cups or containers
Clothes or shoes
Laundry baskets
Bulk Drop-off Recycling
Bins for cardboard and metal recycling are located at the Compost and Recycling Facility at 820 N. Watery Lane.
Click here for information about dropping off green waste or recycling