Laboratory Services/Water Testing
Wastewater Treatment Facility
1175 W. 675 N.
Brigham City, UT 84302
(435) 226-1443
Jennifer Mickelsen
Pretreatment Coordinator
(435) 226-1440
send an email
Andy Nguyen
Laboratory Director
(435) 226-1440
send an email
Public Works Office
(435) 734-6615
Contact Form (↗)
The laboratory is located in the Wastewater Treatment Facility, and is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Samples may be dropped off at the laboratory during that time. All samples should be placed on ice during transportation. Due to sample testing procedures, samples are not typically received on Fridays. The only exceptions are TSS, pH, and BOD samples.
A chain of custody form (pdf↗) must accompany samples when delivered to the laboratory.
Drinking Water
HPC - Heterotrophic Plate Count
Total Coliform - Chromogenic Technique
E. Coli - Chromogenic Technique
Non-Potable Water (Sewer)
TSS - Total Suspended Solids
DO - Dissolved Oxygen
BOD5 - Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5-day
E. Coli - Chromogenic Technique