Incentive Programs

Incentives are subject to review and approval by the Brigham City Council or the Brigham City Redevelopment Agency following analysis of the specific project, its related expenditures, and economic impacts and benefits.

Streamlined Application Processing

Brigham City staff will work with project proponents in any way possible to help streamline the process of approval. We can meet with representatives of economic development projects at their convenience on any issue that comes up during the approval process, and help find solutions if problems or questions arise. We view this commitment as an incentive, although it is difficult to measure in dollars and cents.

Tax Increment Financing

The Brigham City Redevelopment Agency has established a number of project areas that enable the use of tax increment financing to assist economic development projects. Tax increment can be used in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to building construction, land acquisition, and infrastructure development. The amount of tax increment available is dependent on the project's capital investment resulting in property tax increment, and will need to be approved by the Redevelopment Agency and Taxing Entity Committee before any formal commitment can be made.

Main Street Façade Grant Program

“Brigham City offers a façade grant program for existing commercial buildings within the historic downtown district and existing commercial buildings with frontage on Main Street outside of the downtown district. Under this program, eligible property owners or business owners may be reimbursed 50% of the cost of a qualifying façade improvement up to a maximum reimbursement to be established annually through the budget process.  Funding for this program is limited. Within the historic downtown district, the City’s funds are supplemented with funding from the Utah Main Street Program.  Questions about eligibility and the specifics of the program should be referred to the Brigham City Economic Development Department. Façade grant applications and policies adopted by the Brigham City Council are available by clicking on the following link(s):”

Main Street Façade Grant Application Package (outside of historic downtown district) (↗)
Downtown Façade Grant Application Package (historic downtown district) (↗)

State of Utah Incentives

Additional incentives are available through the State of Utah. Please review the State of Utah's incentive overview at (↗).