Compost and Product Sales

Brigham City sells compost, screened topsoil, and other products at the Compost and Recycling Facility. Product sales are available beginning in April, weather permitting.

Compost/Green Waste/Recycling Facility
820 N. Watery Lane
(435) 226-1445

Product sales hours
April to October
Tuesday - Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


November to March
Tuesday - Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(Winter loading depends on equipment and staff availability due to weather - please call before heading to site)

Public Works Office
(435) 734-6615

Materials Pricing

Below is a list of products offered. Prices are per cubic yard. Click here for a printable price list (pdf↗). ALL SALES ARE FINAL.

The bed of a regular-sized pickup truck will typically hold about two cubic yards.

Compost and topsoil


Wood chips

Fill dirt, sand, and road base:

Green compost: $13.00
Bio compost: $13.00
Leaf compost: $15.00
Screened topsoil: $30.00
Topsoil/compost mix: $35.00

Gravel, 1": $45.00

Coarse, light: $5.00
Coarse, dark: $5.00
Fine, light: $10.00
Fine, dark: $10.00
Medium, light: $10.00

Unscreened fill dirt: $5.00
Cement sand: $50.00
Road base: $30.00
Slag road base: $30.00
Slag, 3": $30.00
Sandbag: $1.00

Our compost meets all State and Federal requirements for 'Class A' compost or 'EQ,' which stands for exceptional quality. 

Click here for information about Green Waste and Bulk Recycling Drop-Off